Skills You Need for Your Resume to Secure a Job
Wondering what good skills to put on your resume? Wonder no more! You’ll find a list of the right skills for your resume, regardless of your job or experience.

Olga Ber
Career Expert
A deep analysis of tech skills for over 900 jobs based on data derived from the authoritative O*NET OnLine site, including salaries & educational requirements for different industries.
In the 21st century, it's hard to find a job that doesn't require technical literacy. It may be cash register software, accounting applications, or MS Office / Google Workplace suite.
We at ResumeLab pored over the stats for 900 occupations across more than 500 industries to find the most in-demand tech skills. This wealth of information came from an excellent resource: O*NET OnLine—a comprehensive aggregator of occupational data sponsored by the Department of Labor.
This mammoth data deep dive is delivered to you to equip you with information on:
Certain software is needed for most of the jobs out there. Knowing these can be an asset for many jobs.
Of course, every job requires distinct skill sets. For some, tech plays out as running simulations for atomic collisions using gemcWeb, but for others, it means utilizing building information modeling software to create a new home.
For most of us, it’s just spreadsheets, spreadsheets, spreadsheets.
Of course, if you want to work, or are currently employed in a specialized field, the software you use may not be on this list, but don’t despair!
Please do read ahead as we’ll show you the top skills for every career cluster.
As Spock said, "It is the lot of 'man' to strive no matter how content he is." Keep reading, and you might just want to strive for a new job!
Occupations can be grouped into career clusters. A cluster is a group of professions in the same field of work that require similar skills. We analyzed clusters and cross-referenced the top technical skills needed for those groupings.
Knowing your cluster can show a path to other career options. It empowers you to choose the correct educational and professional pathway.
Career pathways consist of positions you hold as you grow in your field. You may move vertically up to more advanced positions, or you can move laterally into equal but different roles if you decide to specialize in something else.
Pathways: natural resources; environmental, food products & processes; plant; agribusiness; animal; and power, structural & technical systems.
Top 3 Software Skills:
This cluster includes transportation operations, facility and mobile equipment maintenance, logistics planning and management services, transportation systems/infrastructure planning, and management & regulation.
Top 3 Software Skills:
Pathways: Journalism & broadcasting; performing arts; visual arts; printing technology; and telecommunications
Top 3 Software Skills:
Pathways: operations management; administrative support; general management; human resources management; and business administration management.
Top 3 Software Skills:
Pathways: teaching/training, professional support services, administration, and administrative support.
Top 3 Software Skills:
Pathways: insurance; securities & investments; business finance; banking services; and accounting.
Top 3 Software Skills:
Pathways: governance; regulation; public management & administration; planning; revenue & taxation; and national security.
Top 3 Software Skills:
Pathways: therapeutic services; diagnostic services; support services; health informatics; and biotechnology research & development.
Top 3 software skills:
Pathways: restaurants & food/beverage service; recreation, amusements & attractions; lodging; and travel & tourism.
Top 3 Software Skills:
Pathways: counseling & mental health services; family & community service; early childhood development & services; and consumer services.
Top 3 Software Skills:
Pathways: information & support services; network services; programming & software development; network systems; information support & services, programming & software development; web & digital communications; and web & digital communications.
Top 3 Software Skills:
Pathways: law enforcement; legal; emergency and fire management; security & protective; and corrective services.
Top 3 Software Skills:
Pathways: production; maintenance, installation, & repair; manufacturing process development; and quality assurance.
Top 3 software skills for the manufacturing cluster for all occupations:
Pathways: professional sales; marketing management; merchandising; marketing research; and marketing communications.
Top 3 Software Skills:
Pathways: science & technology and engineering & math. (Shocker!)
Top 3 Software Skills:
This cluster includes transportation operations, facility and mobile equipment maintenance, logistics planning and management services, transportation systems/infrastructure planning, and management & regulation.
Top 3 Software Skills:
Technology is evolving and growing exponentially. Therefore, the tech skills that are hot today might not be a few years down the road. Case in point, according to Moore’s Law, about every 18 months, computer processing speed doubles.
In 1971 there were less than 10,000 transistors that fit into a microprocessor. In 2019, over 39 billion MOSFETs (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors) could fit into a microprocessor.
It's truly astonishing.
And those exponential advancements are made possible by using technology software and programs. Check out a selection of 20 of the top tech software skill sets below. (There are 186 in total, but we hand-picked 20, which are needed across many occupations.)
Any roulette player worth their salt would advise against betting on what the future holds during a pandemic.
Based on the data from O*NET OnLine, predictions have been made regarding occupations that are expected to grow faster than average and have a ton of openings. These “Sunny Outlook” occupations are projected to have an employment increase of 5% or more OR have 100,000 or more jobs available between 2019-2029 nationwide.
The jobs which have both the 5% increase and the 100,000+ jobs are more than “Sunny”—they’re Supernova. Try to guess what occupations will have tremendous growth. Got your picks?
Medical staff are sorely needed. Not surprising during a pandemic. Anything related to nursing is in high demand, whether it’s of the acute, critical or registered variety. Home health aides? Check!
Here’s a sampling of five jobs that are forecast to have an employment increase of 5% or more and at least 100,000 jobs available to apply for from 2019-2029. (Salary and number of employees data from 2019.)
Baseball fans may have heard of Roger Maris. He’s best known for setting a single-season home run record in 1961 with 61 home runs. Nobody broke that record until 1998. If anybody can speak to what it takes to succeed, it’s him.
Maris famously said: “You win not by chance, but by preparation.” Well, there are some cases in which little educational preparation brings in some winnings, in the form of a nice wage.
Here are profiles of jobs and the tech skills needed for them in which the applicant either doesn’t need a high school diploma or a HS diploma/GED is the only requirement and pays above $50,000. It’s certainly true that construction workers are raking in the dough!
Drywall and Ceiling Tile Installers
Average salary $50,560
Terrazzo Workers and Finishers
Average salary $56,340
Rotary Drill Operators, Oil, and Gas
Average salary $57,070
Structural Iron and Steel Workers
Average salary $59,170.
To get into the upper echelon of earners though, some higher education is often required.
Being loaded sounds appealing, doesn’t it? The occupations which had the highest pay were all in the “do no harm” health field.
Seeing as it takes 6.5 years of PhD training and 4-5 years of postdoctoral research on average to get the “post doc” status, it’s often about 10 years before a person with a biomedical PhD is ready to begin their first genuine job. This can actually take longer if they decide to go with the academic tenure-track research path. Plus, those exorbitant student loans will take some time to pay off for most students.
Then, there are all the bodily fluids you’ll have to contend with. Sound appealing? If this hasn’t given you pause yet, you may be cut out for a job in the medical field!
The highest possible salaried professions in the data we scrutinized (again, we didn’t look at rock stars and professional athletes) were:
Getting a Master’s degree is often the means to getting a good-paying job, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll make more than those who have only a high school diploma under their belt.
The most successful people know the importance of a slick resume. Next, you’ll find out the best way to get that job with the required tech skills.
Now, imagine you’re an AI bot scanning resumes for relevant words for an anesthesiologists position. Anesthesiologists need to use the following software:
What would you do if those skills were not on the resume or if they were obscured in some way? No dice.
You want to please the bots and the recruiter.
Essentially, you just need to:
How to include them? In the skills section, qualifications summary (if applicable) and in the descriptions under any positions in which you used those programs/software. When you add it to your skills, you can word it like so:
You stand out by showing them you’re a rockstar. Take this example:
Results-driven programmer and net security advisor with over 6 years of experience. Strong C++ and cloud skills. At Cloudlove, increased customer satisfaction by 35%. Reduced phishing attacks by 20%.
Yes, it’s a tech skills example for someone in the IT realm, but you can cater your resume to fit your particular job. Always emphasize the skills they are looking for and the results it brought to your company.
Remember to throw in a dash of the software and programs you use here and there on the resume itself that are required with a stat on how it improved work.
Of course, the tech skills on a resume applying for a STEM position would be heavy as a herd of elephants. Speaking of which, if you’re applying for a STEM job, don’t bother listing the basics us regular folk put on our resumes, such as Word Processing, Spreadsheets, and Presentation software. You’re beyond that.
And here’s a section dedicated to you because you’re special.
Science, Technology, Education, and Mathematics (STEM) occupations are expected to experience rapid growth in the coming decade. Lots of the trendiest technology is needed for these positions.
Technology and engineering are among the top fields in the United States. But, and there’s a big but...
The hard truth: not enough Americans are employed in STEM occupations. We’re reaching crisis level. There’s a shortage of Americans getting degrees in these fields. This bodes poorly on our economic well-being. Even our national security can be at risk, as well.
You see, Americans were on a serious STEM mission after the launch of the Sputnik by the Russians in 1957, the first artificial Earth satellite. The space race was on.
We landed on the moon a little more than a decade later—an amazing achievement.
But, in the 1980s, STEM proficiency began to decline, causing concern. Now, our greatest competitor is China. The number of international students enrolled in science and engineering degree programs is growing, while the number of Americans in those programs is declining.
A lack of researchers and educators qualified to share knowledge of critical science and engineering topics means we’ll have a serious shortage which would have major knock-on effects on our economy and standing among other industrialized nations. Why?
What’s causing this decline?
A scant 16% of American HS seniors are interested in a STEM career. Just about half who do choose to go to college for a STEM degree will actually work in a related career.
We need to turn this around. This shortfall is due to a twofold issue: young kids not being instilled with a love of STEM subjects and a profound lack of support and empowerment for minorities and women.
Essentially, education is a leaky pipeline that loses a lot of potential STEM talent.
Nationally, women make up 57.3% of bachelor’s degree recipients overall but only 38.6% of STEM bachelor’s degree recipients.
And an alarming fact:
Most leave in their mid to late thirties.
We contacted Kathleen Amm, Director of the Magnet Division at Brookhaven National Laboratory, which operates under the Department of Energy. She offered the following sage counsel:
“In terms of skills, I would say have a curious mind and be willing to always learn new areas and be flexible. Early in your career, go deep in one area, learn how to communicate effectively to different groups— anyone from your mother to a technical colleague to a venture capitalist or lab director.
It is not just about doing great science or engineering, it’s about being able to have others understand the impact. Also, helping each other out and supporting each other in networking groups like our own Brookhaven Women in Science is an incredible way to make connections and overcome challenges together.”
Useful advice from a well-established, highly educated, female professional in her science field.
Bottom line: If you have an interest in STEM, please stay the course despite the setbacks. The country needs your perspectives in those fields. Hang onto that STEM.
We set out to provide you with the intel to get the best job possible, because we want you to succeed.
We know that every job requires tech skills, and it’s critical that you know which ones are relevant and to know what occupations are out there to choose from. Insufficient facts will not help you make an informed decision.
We also wanted to go facts-heavy, so you were not left in danger of missing the full picture. In summary:
The analysis also showed how crucial it is to devote much more energy and resources to STEM education to become the world leaders we have been in the past. If you’re inclined towards these fields, go for it!
The data was cultivated and examined with job seekers and potential career switchers in mind.
The goal was to assist you in making a wise choice.
Look at all your options, and even consider (re)location, (re)location, (re)location. As we also learned, the state you live in may be a huge factor in how much you get paid.
We hope you’ve taken a self-reflective pause to look at your tech skills, educational level, position, and salary.
You have the intel now to decide if this is where you want to be and, if not, make an informed change.
We analyzed data regarding 902 occupations and cross-referenced it with stats on the tech skills and educational requirements needed for those positions, salaries, and forecasts for those positions. The data originated from the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment & Training Administration and was compiled by O*NET Online. O*NET OnLine is based on national averages and interviews with people in those positions.
We obtained the data for this study from O*NET OnLine. It is a highly reputable source, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy.
The salary information is based on a mean and a national average, and this can vary widely depending on the state.
Percentages have been rounded up.
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At ResumeLab we know that having tech skills is not enough to find a dream job. We'll help you build a perfect resume, write a professional resume summary, help you choose the best resume layout, and much more.
At ResumeLab, quality is at the crux of our values, supporting our commitment to delivering top-notch career resources. The editorial team of career experts carefully reviews every article in accordance with editorial guidelines, ensuring the high quality and reliability of our content. We actively conduct original research, shedding light on the job market's intricacies and earning recognition from numerous influential news outlets. Our dedication to delivering expert career advice attracts millions of readers to our blog each year.
Wondering what good skills to put on your resume? Wonder no more! You’ll find a list of the right skills for your resume, regardless of your job or experience.
Olga Ber
Career Expert
Will computers steal all jobs one day? Who knows? But one thing is clear. You can use them to find a new job today by impressing recruiters with the computer skills on your resume.
Caio Sampaio, CPRW
Certified Professional Resume Writer, Career Expert
What if you could compress your experience and skills into a single punchy resume section that would knock the recruiter off their feet? The qualifications summary is the answer.
Maciej Duszynski, CPRW
Certified Professional Resume Writer, Career Expert