Make a great CV. Simply.
Create a powerful CV and cover letter in minutes.
Make recruiters want to hire you. Get the job you’ve
been dreaming of.
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Make your CVCreate your CV in just 3 steps.

Fill in the blanks and see results in real-time.
Give your document a professional and elegant look.

Download your CV, apply, get more interviews.
Land your dream job with ResumeLab’s state-of-the-art builder.
Fast & intuitive CV creation.
ResumeLab will guide you from section to section ensuring you make every word count. Your professional CV will be ready in minutes.

Contextual & expert CV optimization.
Get actionable advice and hints from professional CV writers. Make the most out of each CV section.
Real-time & interactive document preview.
Our smart preview function lets you see what your document looks like as you’re creating it. The final result will be exactly what you want. To the letter.

Choose a professional template and
create your CV now
See more templatesBoost your chances of getting hired and write a job-winning cover letter.

50% of recruiters expect a cover letter from you.
Pair up your CV with a cover letter and gain an edge over the other candidates. Use ResumeLab’s cover letter builder to create a matching CV and cover letter set.
Create a cover letter